Until now, the media was a sword of democracy, a powerful tool that critically analyzed issues of national interest to help the masses make informed decisions. And, on the informational and educational front, the media was unbeatable!. But in recent days, the narrative has drastically changed, the 'ethics-less' and irresponsible journalism within the media circus is just unthinkable!. The media has proven irresponsible beyond measure. Since when did journalism become paid news, twisting of facts, sensational reporting, spewing false news and ultimately giving political dogs space to rant and bark?. It may seem rhetoric, but the fact sheets on this issue are clear on that. We have journeyed too far as a Nation to watch our fourth estate of the realm display these unimaginable defects. Until authorities take the necessary Democratic steps to sanitize the Ghanaian media, this age's Ghanaian media will just provide solutions to zero problems, place a program...