*"Palm Sunday" Is Not A Historical Event*

_ Sir Divine Agyenim-Boateng Bassanio ._ "Palm Sunday" Is Not A Historical Event" The feast of Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem the week before his passion and crucifixion. [Thus a week prior to the holy or Passion Week]. Some 450-500 years prior to Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem, the prophet Zachariah had prophesied the feast we celebrate today as Palm Sunday. He is noted to have said Rejoice greatly, Daughter of Zion, shout daughter of Jerusalem, see your king comes to you, Righteous and Victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey on a colt, the foal of a donkey.[Cf. Zachariah 9:9] For centuries, Christians have commemorated this feast day by waving branches of the palm tree as well as with liturgical procession and celebrations. To the ordinary Christian this gesture is a usual routine that occurs annually on every Palm Sunday, where we either bring or are given a palm frond while we sing and wave in a procession but it must be n...