
Showing posts from September, 2019

Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah is the best person to be the Director General of Police- Security Analyst

ADAM BONAA- SECURITY ANALYST In an interaction on TV3’s key points on Saturday, September 21 2019, security and safety expert Adam Bonaa has indicated that Maame   Yaa   Tiwaa   Addo - Danquah   is undeniably  the best person to be the director general of police. In his submission, he questioned the intensified calls for the resignation of  Maame   Yaa   Tiwaa   Addo - Danquah ,    the Director-General, Criminal Investigations Department  by a section of the public following her " categorical statement" on the whereabouts of the Takoradi kidnapped girls  as to whether there is anyone in a better position to man the affairs of the police service. “Do you know anyone better  than her who can do the job?”, he reiterated and further challenged anyone  to speak to facts if there is any. Maame   Yaa   Tiwaa   Addo - Danquah  has over the past days come under severe criticism following her conduct in the missing Takorad girls' saga which many have described as 

Ghosts and life after death

By Bishop Arthur Serratelli  Bishop Arthur Joseph Serratelli One of the most famous figures of all English literature is the ghost of Hamlet’s father. Three times he appears in Shakespeare’s play  The Tragedy of Hamlet ,  Prince of Denmark . He demands that his son settle accounts with his uncle who murdered the dead king. In Shakespeare’s  Macbeth ,  Julius Caesar  and  Richard III , ghosts also appear. From the 3rd century B.C.  Epic of Gilgamesh  through Homer, Virgil, Ovid, Shakespeare and Dickens, ghosts populated the pages of literature. They have appeared in films and even starred in their own TV show,  Ghost Hunters . Are ghosts merely fictional? Do they really exist?  First Lady Grace Coolidge said that she saw Abraham Lincoln’s ghost looking out the window of the Oval Office. Many others have, likewise, reported sightings of the ghost of our 16th President at the White House. Among those claiming to have seen a spectral Lincoln are Theodore Roosevelt, Wins

Archbishop Kwofie is Five Years a Bishop Today

The Metropolitan Archbishop of  Accra and Episcopal Bishop in charge of education,  Most Rev John Bonaventure Kwofie CSSp clocks five years today, September 13, 2019, in his Episcopal ministry as a bishop. He was ordained by His Eminence Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, Prefect, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, as the fourth Bishop of the Sekondi-Takoradi diocese on September 13, 2014, as he succeeded the late Most Rev. John Martin Darko. Most Rev John Bonaventure Kwofie was born to the late Mr. John Kogyan Kwofie and Madam Agnes Ama Tokwah Kwofie on April 26, 1958.  Archbishop Kwofie is the first of ten siblings and hails from Apowa in the Ahanta West District of the Western Region. He was ordained a priest on July 23,1988 after his priestly training. He served in the capacity of the Vice Chairman of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men from 1995 to 1998 and served as its President for two terms from 1998 to 2004. He was elected Co-ordinator of the Continen