
Showing posts from October, 2019

Biden denied communion at SC parish over abortion stance

A South Carolina Catholic priest denied Holy Communion to presidential candidate Joe Biden on Sunday, because of the candidate’s support for legal abortion. Fr. Robert Morey, pastor of St. Anthony Catholic Church in the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina, denied Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden Holy Communion at Sunday Mass for his support of legal abortion, the Florence Morning News reported Monday. "Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse Holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden,” Morey said in a statement he sent CNA Oct 28. “Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the Church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of Church teaching,” the priest added. According to the Florence Morning News, Morey was a lawyer for 14 years before becoming a priest, practicing law in North Carolina and working for seven years for the Environmental Protection Ag

Anti-Catholicism: “the last acceptable prejudice” By Bishop Arthur Serratelli, Paterson, New Jersey.

In  The Innocents Abroad , published in 1869, Mark Twain humorously narrates his travels thorough Europe and the Holy Land. He goes out of his way to praise the great hospitality that Catholic priests offered to any pilgrim traveling through 19th century Palestine. They readily welcomed all, whether they came “in rags or clad in purple.” Twain was pleasantly surprised by this, because, as he readily confesses, he had been “educated to enmity toward everything that is Catholic.” Enmity toward everything Catholic! Not a thing of the past. Most recently, the hatred was aimed at one of the most charitable and benevolent group of individuals in this country, the Knights of Columbus. During the Senate Judiciary Committee’s review of Omaha-based lawyer Brian C. Buescher for the position of judge on the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska, Senators Mazie Hirono, a democrat from Hawaii, and Kamala Harris, a democrat from California, grilled Buescher on his membersh

Amazon synod document calls for married priests and increased role for women

The meeting for the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian region has approved a final document which calls for the ordination of married men as priests and for women to be considered for diaconal ordination. The 33-page document, approved Oct. 26, is the result of a three-week meeting in Rome. The synod’s 181 voting members, together with representatives from indigenous communities, religious orders, lay groups and charities, discussed a range of issues concerning the region, spread across nine countries. In ordinary sessions of the Synod of Bishops, delegates are elected by the world's bishops conferences. In the special session for the pan-Amazonian region, all attendees were by special invitation. The document presents the synodal assembly’s reflections and conclusions on topics ranging from environmentalism, inculturation in the Church, and the human rights of indigenous communities in the face of economic, environmental, and cultural exploitation. The draft text

Sacramental confession and the certainty of forgiveness

, Bishop Arthur Joseph Serratelli,  bishop of Paterson, New Jersey, writes: A few years ago, Paul Croituru and his young son went out treasure hunting near their native village in Romania. To their surprise, they discovered ancient Greek currency dating back 2,350 years to the time of King Philip II. The 300 silver coins turned out to be counterfeit. The father and son now hold the distinction of having discovered the oldest counterfeit money known thus far. Counterfeit money has been around as long as money has been around. In fact, some have named the production of counterfeit money “the world's second oldest profession.” During war time, nations often resort to counterfeit money to inflict harm on their enemies. During the Revolutionary War, Great Britain attempted to devalue the continental dollar by flooding the market with  shovers  (fake dollars). During World War II, the Nazis made prisoners in their camps forge British pounds and American dollars to destabilize the

Breast ironing and its damning effects

Image WHAT IS BREAST IRONING? Breast ironing, also known as breast flattening, is a process that involves pounding or beating a young girl’s breast using hard or hot objects. Breast ironing usually begins with the onset of puberty. It is done to prevent, or reverse breast growth. The United Nations (UN) describes breast ironing as one of the top five most underreported crimes related to gender-based violence. WHY IS IT PRACTISED? Breast ironing can be practised for many different reasons. Often, breast ironing is aimed at slowing physical maturity and puberty, to prevent unwanted attention from men and delay a girl’s sexual activity. Breast ironing is often practised by mothers. Some mothers may practice breast ironing of their daughters to prevent them from getting married and so they will stay in school for longer. WHERE IS IT PRACTISED? Breast ironing is practised in many countries across West and Central Africa, including Togo, Benin,