Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah is the best person to be the Director General of Police- Security Analyst


In an interaction on TV3’s key points on Saturday, September 21 2019, security and safety expert Adam Bonaa has indicated that Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah is undeniably  the best person to be the director general of police.

In his submission, he questioned the intensified calls for the resignation of Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah,  the Director-General, Criminal Investigations Department by a section of the public following her " categorical statement" on the whereabouts of the Takoradi kidnapped girls  as to whether there is anyone in a better position to man the affairs of the police service. “Do you know anyone better  than her who can do the job?”, he reiterated and further challenged anyone  to speak to facts if there is any.

Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah has over the past days come under severe criticism following her conduct in the missing Takorad girls' saga which many have described as ‘unmeasured secure communication’.

Source: Mavis Adoko// Newsflash-Gh


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