COVID-19 will expose businessmen posing as pastors, Archbishop Kaigama

Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama, Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja has stated that the ongoing global crisis caused by the deadly coronavirus will reveal true clerics and individuals who set out to amass wealth for themselves under the guise of  “clerics”.

The Prelate explained that, any cleric in the church whose paramount aim is to make money and not lead the flock to God amidst the pandemic is a businessman and not a true cleric.

Archbishop Kaigama reiterated that “this is the time to know who are true shepherds of the flock and those who are just engaged in work of religion in order to amass wealth for themselves or to acquire wealth and prosperity”.

But if you are a pastor or priest in order to acquire material wealth, in order to enjoy prosperity, then, Im sorry, youre not called by God. Youre a businessman or businesswoman and not a priest or pastor”, he said.

He further indicated that, clerics should not abandon the work of God in this period because tithes and offerings are not forthcoming.

He said “as a good shepherd, you should stand strong and firm and be there for the people and pray for good time to come again.



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